Entering the second decade of 21st century, Jakarta is nothing but one of the most populated megacities in the world, with population already exceeding 10 million, scattered in an area whose size is no larger than Singapore. The economy may continue to boom in recent years, but the problems facing the megalopolis are pacing up at an accelerating rate, as well. One of the most ravaging, matter-of-timely thorns in the flesh that continuously keep on penetrating Jakarta is flooding, whose occurrence stains the Big Durian once in 5 years. Add water pollution, as a result of excess in trashes being thrown into the rivers with minimum punishment, contamination of industrial, household wastes, and still a long list to go on.
Given such tremendous challenges, 4 university students, namely Rezza Rahdian, Erwin Setiawan, Ayu Diah Shanti, and Leonardus Chrisnantyo, considered an idea in which they held firm belief that this would help solving Jakarta’s overburdening problems. Titled ‘Ciliwung Recovery Program’, they propose that high-rise structures with forests and natural reserves contained inside be built in the river of the same name with that of the project, one of the main rivers which acts, as though they are the main blood veins of the big city. Being optimistic that this may help restoring water supply in an over-drained megacity, they deserved the second place in eVolo 2010 Skyscraper Competition, held by one of the most popular architectural magazines in United States.
For any future governors of Jakarta, do please consider this.
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