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Kamis, 13 Desember 2012
Great balls of China to defend against 'apocalypse'
QIANTUN: As people across the globe tremble in anticipation of next week's supposed Mayan-predicted apocalypse, one Chinese villager says he may have just what humanity needs: tsunami-proof survival pods.
Kamis, 15 November 2012
Master Plan Pengendalian Banjir oleh Dinas PU DKI Jakarta
5. Konsep Pengendalian Banjir di DKI Jakarta
Penanggulangan banjir dilakukan dengan kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk meringankan penderitaan akibat bencana. Pelaksanaan penanggulangan kerusakan dan/atau bencana akibat banjir tersebut dikoordinasikan oleh Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah, provinsi, atau kabupaten/kota sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan.
Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012
Rencana Detil Penanganan Banjir di Wilayah Jabodetabekjur (1)
1.1. Latar Belakang
Bencana banjir yang akhir-akhir ini terjadi hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan khususnya di Jabodetabek merupakan indikator yang sangat nyata telah terjadinya kerusakan lingkungan.
The Ciliwung Recovery Program
Entering the second decade of 21st century, Jakarta is nothing but one of the most populated megacities in the world, with population already exceeding 10 million, scattered in an area whose size is no larger than Singapore. The economy may continue to boom in recent years, but the problems facing the megalopolis are pacing up at an accelerating rate, as well. One of the most ravaging, matter-of-timely thorns in the flesh that continuously keep on penetrating Jakarta is flooding, whose occurrence stains the Big Durian once in 5 years. Add water pollution, as a result of excess in trashes being thrown into the rivers with minimum punishment, contamination of industrial, household wastes, and still a long list to go on.
Rapid Hydrological Appraisal (RHA) in Ciliwung Watershed, West Java, Indonesia
Author: Kaswanto, Department of Landscape Architecture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Polemics caused by natural resources degradation in watershed area is still being a big concern recently. Therefore an urgent and huge step have to develop and overcome for the needs of stakeholders and public communites. One of the approach which has been done with quick problem solve related to hidrological condition in watershed area is Rapid Hydrological Appraisal (RHA).
System Dynamics of Ciliwung River
To estimate runoff we have to consider:
a. Debit of ciliwung at Depok can be calculated using rating curve as follows : debit Q = 21.5(TMA+0.22)^1.5 m3/s , TMA = water level when proclaim alert :
a. Debit of ciliwung at Depok can be calculated using rating curve as follows : debit Q = 21.5(TMA+0.22)^1.5 m3/s , TMA = water level when proclaim alert :
Watershed Management in the Upper Ciliwung River
Ian Lavery, Sakshi Kapahi, Advisor: Sarah Slaughter
S‐Lab Project Spring 2009, May 7, 2009
Executive Summary
United in Diversity (UID) is a Jakarta‐based nonprofit organization promoting stakeholder dialogue to solve complex issues facing Indonesia. UID and the MIT Sloan School of Management co‐sponsor IDEAS (Innovative Dynamic Education and Action for Sustainability) Indonesia, an educational program designed to develop leadership skills in diverse conditions.
Biocomplexity in the Environment: Emergent Properties of Alluvial River Flood Plains
Floodplain springbrook at Nyack
The conceptual foundation of this multi-disciplinary project is that river flood plains are regional centers of ecological organization. This system is dependent on interactions among dynamic, nonlinear physical and biological processes linking water, heat and materials (biota, sediment, plant-growth nutrients) flux and retention to fluvial landscape change.
During the real-time flood events, the operation of water surface system is very important and crucial to minimize the impacts of flood. The predictive reservoir operation method (PROM) provides optimal real-time operation of flood control systems with incorporation of current and forecasted storm events.
How to Make a Flood Model
The flood model comprises a hydrological model and a hydraulic model. The hydrologic model determines the runoff that occurs following a particular rainfall event. The primary output from the hydrologic model is hydrographs at varying locations along the waterways to describe the quantity, rate and timing of stream flow that results from rainfall events.
Selasa, 24 Juli 2012
Manajemen Air dan Banjir di DKI Jakarta
I. Kondisi Wilayah DKI Rawan Banjir
Wilayah DKI Jakarta dilalui oleh banyak sungai dan saluran air yang terhubung ke sunga-sungai tersebut. Terdapat sebanyak 13 sungai utama yang berasal dari kawasan diluar Jakarta, yaitu saluran Mookervart (Saluran sudetan dari Kali Cisadane ke Kali Angke sebelum adanya Cengkareng Drain), Angke, Pesanggrahan, Gorgol, Krukut, Ciliwung, Cipinang, Sunter Buaran, Jati Kramat dan Cakung. Sisanya adalah sungai dan saluran kecil yang memiliki fungsi mengumpulkan curah hujan.
Hidrologi DAS Ciliwung dan Perannya Terhadap Banjir Jakarta
Hidrologi DAS Ciliwung menurut toposekuennya dibagi ke dalam tiga bagian: hulu, tengah dan hilir, masing-masing dengan stasiun pengamatan arus sungai di Bendung Katulampa, Ratujaya, dan Pintu Air Manggarai. Karakteristik hidrologi DAS Ciliwung di ketiga bagian DAS ini dicirikan tidak hanya ditentukan oleh sifat-sifat hujannya, akan tetapi juga ditentukan oleh sifat topografi dan jenis penggunaan lahannya. Perubahan penggunaan lahan di kawasan Jabotabek dan Bopunjur dalam tiga dasarwarsa terakhir ini telah mengakibatkan berubahnya fungsi hidrologi DAS yang secara nyata telah meningkatkan frekwensi dan intensitas banjir bagi DKI Jakarta.
Kamis, 07 Juni 2012
Pesawat Tenaga Surya Sukses Lintasi Selat Gibraltar
Jumat, 20 April 2012
'Huge' water resource exists under Africa
Scientists say the
notoriously dry continent of Africa is sitting on a vast reservoir of
groundwater.They argue that the total volume of water in aquifers
underground is 100 times the amount found on the surface.
Banjir, Ruas Tol Lumpuh
TANGERANG SELATAN– Hujan deras yang mengguyur sepanjang siang hingga sore kemarin melumpuhkan ruas jalan tol Jakarta–Serpong. Banjir setinggi sekitar 50 cm sepanjang sekitar 300 meter di Km 8 memaksa petugas menutup seluruh akses tol dari dua arah. Penutupan tol harus dilakukan untuk menghindari kemacetan yang lebih parah. Jalan tol baru mulai kembali normal setelah sekitar delapan jam yakni pukul 22.00 WIB karena ketinggian air telah surut menjadi sekitar 10 cm.
Selasa, 03 April 2012
Booming bamboo: The next super-material?
Bamboo is being hailed
as a new super material, with uses ranging from textiles to
construction. It also has the potential to absorb large amounts of
carbon dioxide, the biggest greenhouse gas, and provide some of the
world's poorest people with cash.
Rabu, 22 Februari 2012
Memopulerkan System Dynamics dalam Penelitian Kebencanaan
Penggunaan system dynamics sebagai metodologi penelitian bencana masih jarang dilakukan. Selama ini system dynamics lebih kerap digunakan dalam penelitian bidang ekonomi dan lingkungan. Namun sebenarnya jika kita mau mengeksplorasi lebih lanjut, metode system dynamics sangat bagus untuk kajian kebencanaan di Indonesia.
Selasa, 24 Januari 2012
New floods hit northeastern Australia
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Scott Wogandt and his son Mitchell kayak past flooded cars in the Australian town of Bundaberg on Friday. The town is in Queensland state, half of which is under water. AFP |
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